Thursday, April 7, 2016

Prequel: Let's Meet our Cast

Our group of intrepid adventurers is tackling the Edge of the Empire Beginner's Box game. In this game, they are actively on the run from Teemo the Hutt and trying to escape Mos Shuuta.

First up is Pash!
Pash is our resident smuggler. After narrowly avoiding being blown up on Alderaan, he ended up in the employ of Teemo the Hutt. He flew cargo for Teemo in and out of Mos Shuuta... until his last flight where his ship was damaged and had to be sold off for parts to get the money to get home.

Did we say his ship? It was really Teemo's ship, and the Hutt was very unhappy at the loss of his property. With the Hutt mad at him, Pash thought this would be the perfect time to leave Mos Shuuta. He teamed up with some other members of Teemo's crew who wanted out - a Twi'lek names Oskara and a human named Mathus - and together they made a break for it.
Next up is Oskara!
Oskara is a Twi'lek bounty hunter from the planet of Ryloth. She didn't start out as a bounty hunter - fate led her to that role. She was smart, clever, lucky, and quick, which helped her avoid the ryll gangs on her home planet... but her sister was not. To keep her sister out of the mines, Oskara offered her services to the gangs, claiming to be an experienced bounty hunter. Her first job went well and she soon started doing more jobs for the gangs - all to keep her sister safe.

Eventually she was "loaned out" to Teemo the Hutt. While doing work for the Hutt, she learned of his plot against the gang holding her sister captive. If he was successful, Oskara could no longer guarantee her sister's safety. She had to escape and get word to her friends on Ryloth. And she needed the help of her friends Pash and Mathus to do it.
Finally, let's meet Mathus!
Mathus grew up as an orphan on the streets of Anchorhead on Tatooine. He was a scavenger, stealing what he could to stay alive. One day he attempted to rob the shop of an old Rodian mechanic named Honwoo. He was caught, but instead of being sent to the police, Honwoo saw that Mathus was very interested in his workbench. He decided to help Mathus make a better life for himself and took him on as a mechanic apprentice.

Honwoo taught Mathus everything he knew about mechanics. And Mathus is good. So good that he caught the eye of Teemo the Hutt, who needed a mechanic. Soon Mathus realized what he was expected to do was outside his skill set. Knowing that angering the Hutt would probably lead to his untimely demise, he worked with Pash and Oskara to make a break for it and escape Mos Shuuta.
This is our squad - this group of unlikely allies has escaped from Teemo's encampment and is actively looking for a way out of Mos Shuuta and off Tatooine. Will they make it? And what will happen to them once they get away?